Unraveling the Mystery: String Data with " as Exterior Quote Character and " as Interior Quote Character Causing Error in GCP BQ Load
Image by Jesstina - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: String Data with " as Exterior Quote Character and \" as Interior Quote Character Causing Error in GCP BQ Load

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Are you tired of encountering errors while loading string data into Google Cloud Platform’s BigQuery (GCP BQ)? Do you find yourself scratching your head over the pesky " and \" characters causing havoc in your load process? Fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got the solution to your problem! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of string data, explore the cause of the error, and provide step-by-step instructions to resolve it.

The Culprit: " and \"

The root of the issue lies in the way GCP BQ handles string data with " as the exterior quote character and \" as the interior quote character. When loading data into BQ, the exterior quote character is used to enclose the entire string, while the interior quote character is used to escape special characters within the string.

"This is a sample string with \"interior quotes\" and 'apostrophes'"

In the above example, the exterior quote character is the double quote ("), and the interior quote character is the escaped double quote (\").

The Error: What’s Happening?

When loading data into GCP BQ, the following error might occur:

Error: Error while reading data, error message: Too many characters in character string

This error occurs because GCP BQ is unable to correctly parse the string data due to the conflicting use of " and \". The exterior quote character (") is being interpreted as part of the string, causing the load process to fail.

Solution Time: How to Load String Data Correctly

Don’t worry, we’ve got a solution for you! Follow these steps to load your string data with " as the exterior quote character and \" as the interior quote character:

Step 1: Prepare Your Data

Make sure your data is properly formatted with the correct exterior and interior quote characters. If your data contains double quotes (“) within the string, escape them using a backslash (\). For example:

"This is a sample string with \"interior quotes\" and 'apostrophes'"

Alternatively, you can use a CSV file with correctly formatted data:

"This is a sample string with \"interior quotes\" and 'apostrophes'","column2_value","column3_value"

Step 2: Load Data into GCP BQ

Use the following command to load your data into GCP BQ:

bq load --source_format=CSV --autodetect --quote="" --escape="\\" . 

Here’s a breakdown of the options used:

  • --source_format=CSV: Specify the data format as CSV.
  • --autodetect: Allow BQ to automatically detect the schema and format of the data.
  • --quote="": Set the exterior quote character to double quotes (").
  • --escape="\\": Set the escape character to a backslash (\).


With these simple steps, you should be able to load your string data with " as the exterior quote character and \" as the interior quote character into GCP BQ without any errors. Remember to prepare your data correctly, and use the correct load command options to ensure a successful load process.

Bonus Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when working with string data in GCP BQ:

  1. Use the correct escape character: Make sure to use the correct escape character (\) to escape special characters within your string data.

  2. Specify the correct quote character: Use the correct exterior quote character (") and interior quote character (\") to avoid errors.

  3. Test your data: Before loading your data into GCP BQ, test it using a sample dataset to ensure there are no errors.

  4. Use the correct data format: Ensure your data is in the correct format (e.g., CSV, JSON, Avro) to avoid loading errors.

Exterior Quote Character Interior Quote Character Description
" \"
\\’ Single quotes are used as the exterior quote character, and escaped single quotes are used as the interior quote character.

By following these guidelines and tips, you’ll be well on your way to loading your string data with " as the exterior quote character and \" as the interior quote character into GCP BQ without any errors.

Final Thoughts

Loading string data with " as the exterior quote character and \" as the interior quote character can be a complex task, but with the right approach, it can be done efficiently and accurately. By understanding the cause of the error, preparing your data correctly, and using the correct load command options, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure a successful load process. Remember to test your data, use the correct escape character, and specify the correct quote character to avoid errors. Happy loading!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with string data that’s causing errors in GCP BigQuery Load? We’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions and answers about string data with “"” as the exterior quote character and “\"” as the interior quote character.

Why does GCP BigQuery Load throw an error when loading string data with “"” as the exterior quote character and “\"” as the interior quote character?

GCP BigQuery Load throws an error because the backslash (\) is an escape character in CSV files. When you use “\"” as the interior quote character, BigQuery interprets it as an escaped quote character instead of a literal backslash and quote character. This causes the parser to malfunction, resulting in errors.

How can I avoid this error in GCP BigQuery Load?

To avoid this error, you can either remove the backslash (\) from the interior quote character or replace it with a different escape character. For example, you can use double quotes ("") to enclose the string data and remove the backslash (\) from the interior quote character.

What is the correct way to encode string data with quotes in a CSV file?

According to the CSV specification, string data with quotes should be encoded by doubling the quote character. For example, if your string data contains a quote character, you should replace it with two quote characters (""). This tells the parser to treat the quote character as a literal character instead of a delimiter.

Can I use a different delimiter instead of commas in my CSV file?

Yes, you can use a different delimiter instead of commas in your CSV file. However, you’ll need to specify the delimiter when loading the data into BigQuery. For example, if you use pipes (|) as the delimiter, you’ll need to specify | as the delimiter in the BigQuery load configuration.

How can I troubleshoot errors in GCP BigQuery Load?

To troubleshoot errors in GCP BigQuery Load, you can check the error message for specific information about the error. You can also try loading a small sample of the data to identify the problematic rows or columns. Additionally, you can check the BigQuery documentation and community forums for solutions to common errors.

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