Solving the Frustrating Issue: Background-Color Not Changing in Sequence
Image by Jesstina -

Solving the Frustrating Issue: Background-Color Not Changing in Sequence

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Are you tearing your hair out because your background-color isn’t changing in sequence? You’re not alone! Many developers have faced this issue, and it’s more common than you think. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the solution together.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand what’s going on behind the scenes. When you try to change the background-color of an element in sequence, it’s likely because you’re using JavaScript or CSS animations. The issue arises when the browser doesn’t render the changes in the order you expect.

Imagine you’re trying to create a mesmerizing background-color transition effect, but instead, the colors are changing randomly or not at all. It’s frustrating, to say the least! But don’t worry, we’ll get to the bottom of this.

CSS Solutions

Let’s start with some CSS solutions to get you back on track.

1. Using Keyframe Animations

One of the most popular methods for creating animations is using keyframe animations. However, when it comes to changing background-color in sequence, things can get a bit tricky.

@keyframes change-background {
  0% {
    background-color: #red;
  25% {
    background-color: #blue;
  50% {
    background-color: #green;
  75% {
    background-color: #yellow;
  100% {
    background-color: #orange;

In the above example, we’re defining a keyframe animation called change-background. We’re setting the background-color at different percentage points to create a sequential effect. However, this might not work as expected if you don’t add the animation to your element.

.my-element {
  animation: change-background 5s linear infinite;

By adding the animation property to your element, you’re telling the browser to render the keyframe animation. Make sure to adjust the animation duration, timing function, and iteration count according to your needs.

2. Using CSS Transitions

Another approach is to use CSS transitions to change the background-color in sequence. Unlike keyframe animations, transitions are triggered by a change in the element’s state.

.my-element {
  transition: background-color 0.5s;

.my-element:hover {
  background-color: #blue;

.my-element:hover:hover {
  background-color: #green;

.my-element:hover:hover:hover {
  background-color: #yellow;

In this example, we’re defining a transition effect on the .my-element class. When the element is hovered, the background-color changes to blue, then green, and finally yellow. Note that we’re using the :hover pseudo-class to trigger the transition.

JavaScript Solutions

Sometimes, CSS alone might not be enough to achieve the desired effect. That’s where JavaScript comes in!

1. Using setTimeout() and setInterval()

One way to change the background-color in sequence using JavaScript is by employing the setTimeout() and setInterval() functions.

let colors = ['#red', '#blue', '#green', '#yellow', '#orange'];
let index = 0;

function changeBackground() {
  document.querySelector('.my-element').style.background = colors[index];
  index = (index + 1) % colors.length;
  setTimeout(changeBackground, 1000);


In this example, we’re defining an array of colors and an index variable. The changeBackground() function changes the background-color of the element and increments the index. We’re using setTimeout() to call the function again after a 1-second delay.

2. Using requestAnimationFrame()

Another approach is to use the requestAnimationFrame() function, which provides better performance and smoothness compared to setTimeout().

let colors = ['#red', '#blue', '#green', '#yellow', '#orange'];
let index = 0;

function changeBackground() {
  document.querySelector('.my-element').style.background = colors[index];
  index = (index + 1) % colors.length;


The code is similar to the previous example, but we’re using requestAnimationFrame() instead of setTimeout(). This ensures that the animation is smooth and optimized for performance.

Common Issues and Solutions

Even with the solutions provided above, you might still encounter some issues. Let’s tackle some common problems and their solutions.

1. Background-color not changing at all

If the background-color isn’t changing at all, it’s likely because you haven’t added the animation or transition property to your element. Double-check your CSS code and make sure you’ve added the necessary properties.

2. Background-color changing randomly

If the background-color is changing randomly, it might be due to incorrect timing or sequencing. Review your JavaScript code and ensure that the timing functions (setTimeout() or requestAnimationFrame()) are correctly implemented.

3. Background-color not changing in sequence

If the background-color is not changing in sequence, it could be because of incorrect color definitions or indexing issues. Verify that your color array is correctly defined, and the indexing logic is sound.

Best Practices and Conclusion

Changing the background-color in sequence can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, you can achieve stunning effects. Remember to:

  • Use CSS keyframe animations or transitions for simple sequences.
  • Employ JavaScript for more complex sequences or dynamic changes.
  • Optimize your code for performance using requestAnimationFrame().
  • Test and debug your code thoroughly to avoid common issues.

In conclusion, solving the issue of background-color not changing in sequence requires a deep understanding of CSS and JavaScript. By following the solutions and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating mesmerizing background-color transitions that will leave your users in awe.

Solution Pros Cons
CSS Keyframe Animations Easy to implement, smooth animation Limited control over animation, browser support issues
CSS Transitions Easy to implement, flexible Limited control over animation, browser support issues
JavaScript with setTimeout() Highly customizable, dynamic changes Performance issues, timing problems
JavaScript with requestAnimationFrame() Highly customizable, smooth animation, optimized performance Requires more complex code, browser support issues

Which solution will you choose? Remember to experiment and find the approach that works best for your project. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with a stubborn background color that just won’t change in sequence? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some FAQs to help you troubleshoot the issue:

Why isn’t my background color changing in sequence when I use CSS?

Ah, this is a classic gotcha! Make sure you’re not using the `!important` tag unnecessarily, as it can override your sequence of styles. Also, double-check that you’re targeting the correct element with your CSS selector. If you’re still stuck, try using the browser’s dev tools to inspect the element and see what styles are being applied.

I’m using a CSS preprocessor like Sass or Less, could that be the issue?

Yes, that’s a good point! When using a preprocessor, the compiled CSS might not be what you expect. Check the generated CSS file to ensure that the background color is being applied correctly. You can also try using a CSS debugger to step through the styles and see where things are going wrong.

What if I’m using a CSS framework like Bootstrap or Tailwind?

Ah, frameworks can be a bit tricky! Sometimes, their default styles can override your custom styles. Try using the framework’s built-in classes to modify the background color, or use a custom class to override the framework’s styles. You can also try adding `!important` to your custom style, but use it sparingly, as it can cause more issues down the line.

Is it possible that my HTML structure is causing the issue?

You bet! A wonky HTML structure can lead to some weird styling issues. Make sure your HTML is valid and that you’re not nesting elements in a way that’s causing the styles to be applied incorrectly. Try using the browser’s dev tools to inspect the element and see how the HTML structure is affecting the styling.

I’ve tried everything, but the background color still won’t change in sequence. What’s next?

Don’t pull your hair out just yet! If you’ve tried all the above and still can’t get it to work, try creating a minimal, reproducible example (MRE) of the issue and share it with the community or a trusted developer friend. Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes can spot the issue in no time.

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