Control when and how VScode shows docstrings of suggestions
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Control when and how VScode shows docstrings of suggestions

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Are you tired of VScode bombarding you with unnecessary docstrings every time you try to use a suggestion? Do you want to take control of when and how VScode shows these docstrings? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of VScode settings and explore the secrets to taming the docstring beast.

What are docstrings?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what docstrings are. Docstrings are short descriptions of functions, classes, or modules that provide context to the user. They’re usually written in natural language and are meant to be human-readable. In VScode, docstrings are shown as suggestions when you’re writing code, providing you with a quick glimpse into what a particular function or class does.

The problem with docstrings

The problem with docstrings is that they can be overwhelming. Imagine you’re trying to write a simple function, and VScode is showing you a lengthy docstring that’s distracting you from your task. Or, worse still, imagine you’re working on a team project, and someone else has written docstrings that are confusing or unnecessary. In both cases, docstrings can be more of a hindrance than a help.

Solving the problem with settings

Luckily, VScode provides a range of settings that allow you to control when and how docstrings are shown. By tweaking these settings, you can tailor VScode to your needs and work style. Let’s explore some of these settings:

1. `editor.quickSuggestions`

The `editor.quickSuggestions` setting controls when VScode shows quick suggestions, including docstrings. By default, this setting is set to `true`, which means VScode will show docstrings as soon as you start typing. To turn this off, simply add the following line to your `settings.json` file:

"editor.quickSuggestions": false

This will prevent VScode from showing docstrings automatically. However, you can still invoke docstrings manually by using the `Ctrl + Space` keyboard shortcut.

2. `editor.parameterHints`

The `editor.parameterHints` setting controls when VScode shows parameter hints, including docstrings, for function calls. By default, this setting is set to `true`. To turn this off, add the following line to your `settings.json` file:

"editor.parameterHints": false

This will prevent VScode from showing docstrings for function calls. However, you can still invoke parameter hints manually by using the `Ctrl + Shift + Space` keyboard shortcut.

3. `editor.hover.enabled`

The `editor.hover.enabled` setting controls when VScode shows hover information, including docstrings, when you hover over a symbol. By default, this setting is set to `true`. To turn this off, add the following line to your `settings.json` file:

"editor.hover.enabled": false

This will prevent VScode from showing docstrings when you hover over a symbol. However, you can still invoke hover information manually by using the `Ctrl + K` keyboard shortcut and then hovering over the symbol.

Advanced settings

In addition to the above settings, VScode provides some advanced settings that allow you to fine-tune when and how docstrings are shown. Let’s explore some of these settings:

1. `editor.suggestionFilters`

The `editor.suggestionFilters` setting allows you to filter out suggestions based on their type. For example, you can filter out docstrings by adding the following line to your `settings.json` file:

"editor.suggestionFilters": "excludeDocstrings"

This will prevent VScode from showing docstrings in the suggestion list.

2. `editor.intelliSense`

The `editor.intelliSense` setting allows you to customize the IntelliSense experience in VScode. For example, you can configure VScode to show docstrings only when you request them explicitly by adding the following line to your `settings.json` file:

"editor.intelliSense": {
  "triggerParameters": {
    "signatureHelp": "never"

This will prevent VScode from showing docstrings automatically, but you can still invoke them manually using the `Ctrl + Shift + Space` keyboard shortcut.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of VScode settings and learned how to control when and how VScode shows docstrings of suggestions. By tweaking these settings, you can tailor VScode to your needs and work style, making you a more productive and efficient developer. Remember, the key to mastering VScode is to experiment with different settings and find what works best for you.

Setting Description
`editor.quickSuggestions` Controls when VScode shows quick suggestions, including docstrings.
`editor.parameterHints` Controls when VScode shows parameter hints, including docstrings, for function calls.
`editor.hover.enabled` Controls when VScode shows hover information, including docstrings, when you hover over a symbol.
`editor.suggestionFilters` Allows you to filter out suggestions based on their type, including docstrings.
`editor.intelliSense` Allows you to customize the IntelliSense experience in VScode, including when and how docstrings are shown.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I still see docstrings if I turn off quick suggestions?

    Yes, you can still see docstrings by using the `Ctrl + Space` keyboard shortcut.

  2. Can I customize the appearance of docstrings in VScode?

    Yes, you can customize the appearance of docstrings by using the `editor.hover` setting and configuring the `editor.hover.sticky` and `editor.hover.preview` properties.

  3. Can I turn off docstrings for specific languages?

    Yes, you can turn off docstrings for specific languages by using the `editor.languageId` setting and configuring the `editor.languageId.[language].hover.enabled` property. For example, to turn off docstrings for JavaScript, you would add the following line to your `settings.json` file:

    "editor.languageId.javascript.hover.enabled": false

We hope this article has helped you take control of when and how VScode shows docstrings of suggestions. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the most out of VS Code by mastering the art of docstring control! 🚀

How do I control when VS Code shows docstrings of suggestions?

You can control when VS Code shows docstrings of suggestions by adjusting the `editor.hover.delay` and `editor.parameterInfo.delay` settings in your User or Workspace settings. These settings determine the delay in milliseconds before the hover or parameter info is shown.

Can I customize the format of the docstrings shown in VS Code?

Yes, you can customize the format of the docstrings shown in VS Code by configuring the `hover.documentation` setting in your User or Workspace settings. You can choose from various formats, such as `markdown` or `plaintext`, to suit your preferences.

How do I enable or disable docstring suggestions in VS Code?

You can enable or disable docstring suggestions in VS Code by toggling the `editor.hover.enabled` or `editor.parameterInfo.enabled` settings in your User or Workspace settings. Set the value to `true` to enable or `false` to disable.

Can I configure different docstring behavior for different programming languages in VS Code?

Yes, you can configure different docstring behavior for different programming languages in VS Code by using language-specific settings. For example, you can create a language-specific `editor.hover.delay` setting for Python or JavaScript.

Where can I find more information on customizing docstring behavior in VS Code?

You can find more information on customizing docstring behavior in VS Code by checking out the official VS Code documentation, specifically the sections on Hover and Parameter Info. You can also search for tutorials and guides online or explore the VS Code community forums.